About Bibles for Europe
Bibles for Europe (BfE) is a registered charity dedicated to giving away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version in Europe. We’re believers in the Lord Jesus Christ (see our statement of faith), and we love the Bible!
As a registered charity, we depend on donations to fulfill our mission. That’s how we can make our materials absolutely free to anyone who wants them. We thank the Lord for leading so many to support BfE with their time, their money, and their prayers, so that millions of people can enjoy the free Bible we give away.
If you would like to make a donation, please use our bank details below. We are thankful to the Lord for whatever He leads you to contribute for the spreading of His Word.
Bibles for Europe
Sort code: 30-97-13
Account number: 42840760
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments:
Bibles for Europe
Bower House
Orange Tree Hill
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1708 380 323
Email: info@biblesforeurope.org